The Innovative Training Network “Economic Policy in Complex Environments” is pleased to announce the International EPOC Conference.
The event will take place at UNIVERSITÀ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE Milan on July 15th and 17th 2024.
Day 1 - 15/07/2024 – Morning
9.00 – 9.30 Registration - Room G.041
EN1 - Room G.142
LM - Room G.242
Ivan Digel Tackling the complexities of decentralised private investment flows for the energy transition: An agent-based approach for the German building sector
Emanuele Ciola Beyond Green Preferences: Alternative Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions in the MATRIX model
Massimiliano Rizzati (session chair) Taking the green pill: Directed technical change, green transition and related macro-financial risks in the MATRIX model
Martin Jaraiz A Darwinian approach to the calibration of agent-based models: example of calibration to FIGARO intercountry IO tables
Paul Sunil Antifragility in the Labor Market: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
Mark Ebba (session chair) Labour market frictions in net-zero transformations - Incorporating behavioural heterogeneity into a data-driven network model
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
EN2 - Room G.142
AB1 - Room G.242
Wolfram Barfus Ecologically-mediated collective action in commons with tipping elements
Roberto Fei Navigating electoral cycles and investment dynamics under climate policy uncertainty
Ivan Savin (session chair) Conditions and pathways for a climate club to reach a more ambitious global treaty
Jianing Chu Modelling public health dynamics in economic systems: An agent-based approach
Luca Riccetti A large scale data-driven ABM for the Italian economy
Michele Catalano (session chair) Testing climate NGFS scenarios through the lens of a large scale ABM for the Italian economy
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
Day 1 - 15/07/2024 – Afternoon
14.30 – 16.00 – Room G.142 PLENARY SESSION I
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break
EN3 - Room G.142
AB2 - Room G.242
Daniel Torren Peraire Social tipping points and carbon pricing: A model of low-carbon consumption
Elise Kremer Navigating energy price shocks in the European Union: macroeconomic consequences and policy insights from an ABM
Giovanni Bonaccorsi (session chair) Improved electricity prices forecasts leveraging connectedness among commodities
Jlenia Di Noia A high resolution input-output model to assess the economic impact of floods
Martina Maglicic The impact of extreme weather on climate belief polarisation
Andrea Di Benedetto (session chair) Party politics and the green transition
18.30 - 20.00 Welcome Cocktail
Day 2- 16/07/2024 - Morning
EN4 - Room G.142
IN1 - Room G.242
Fatma Safi A model of public education, environmental awareness and environmental quality: An overlapping generations approach
Oleg Matvejevs A purpose-based energy substitution structure for CGE
Dawn Parker New complex systems modelling approaches from mathematics may aid progress on complexity-economic analysis for climate policy
Rosa van den Ende (session chair) The exponential map between networks and allocations
Zhongli Wang Strategic firm capacity and network effects: A computational model of R&D investment dynamics in the ICT industry
Meryem Türel Innovation decisions, patents-trademarks under financial constraints: evidence from the Turkish manufacturing administrative data
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordas Cross-border data flows and AI-technology adoption: Agent-based model simulations
Tsung-Hsien Li (session chair) Consumer bankruptcy: The role of financial frictions
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 – Room G.142 PLENARY SESSION II
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 16.00 - Room G.142
Policy maker meeting “Round Table on European Policy Challenges”
Massimo Bordignon (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Daniel Gros (Bocconi) Lucio Pench (Bruegel)
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break
Day 2- 16/07/2024 - Afternoon
EN5 - Room G.142
EM1 - Room G.242
Lucia Piazza Are home solar PV adopters more resilient? Evidence from the climate and energy crises
Claudia Sartirana Once green, always green? An empirical analysis of firm persistence in green innovation
Miquel Bassart-I-Loré Climate policy analysis with endogenous preference change and innovation
Elisa Grugni (session chair) Dynamic production networks in the wake of asymmetric climate policies
Ha Chi Le Does economic growth cause energy intensity of well-being in the very long run? Semi-parametric evidence for selected OECD countries
Surbhi Badhwar Human capital, financial development and economic growth in low, middle and high income countries during 1994-2019: A comparative analysis using panel cointegration approach
Roberto Ippoliti Financial constraints prediction to lead innovation policy: An application of neural networks to the Italian market
Matteo Romagnoli (session chair) Old but gold: Population ageing and innovation incentives
20.00 – 23.00 Social Dinner: Residenza Vignale, Via Toti 2, Milan
Day 3- 17/07/2024 - Morning
EN6 - Room G.142
MA1 - Room G.242
Andrea Flori Firms’ heterogeneous participation in the EU ETS market: Carbon abatement vs trading intensity
Matteo Mazzarano Should I offset or should I plow? Voluntary carbon offsets and ETS in an evolutionary model
Luca Verginer (session chair) Adapting to Disruptions
Jiri Kukacka Wealth, cost, and misperception: Empirical estimation of three interactions
Tommaso Di Francesco Sentiment-driven speculation in financial markets with heterogeneous beliefs: A machine learning approach
Luca Gerotto (session chair) Irrational or asymmetrically averse to losses? A sticky expectations model for households’ macroeconomic predictions
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 – Room G.142 PLENARY SESSION III
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
IN2 - Room G.142
MA2 - Room G.242
Florian Wagener Differential games of public investment
Lennart Baumgärtner Innovation bandits: A dynamic portfolio strategy with endogenous rewards
Eleonora Priori (session chair) Breaking the black box of the production function: An ABM accounting for time in production processes
Giulio Piccirilli Learning from prices and optimal policy design
Francesco Ferlaino Does the financial accelerator accelerate inequalities?
Domenico Delli Gatti (session chair) Reversing entrepreneurial decline: Industrial policy experiments in an ABM
End of Conference
Legenda: AB stands for ABM; EM stands for Empirics; EN stands for ENvironment; IN stands for INnovation; LM stands for Labour Market; MA stands for MAcroeconomics.
Note: All lecture rooms are situated in the Lanzone 14 Building – There will be signs indicating the route from the University’s main gate, Largo A. Gemelli 1.